June 16, 2019

Celebrating LIFE

What a crazy week. First of all, thank you for all the notes and good wishes. Fisher is officially out of the hospital as of Friday after a 5 day stay. 

He woke up Sunday morning in Houston and couldn’t put any weight on his right ankle. After breakfast Justin picked him up, and he had a fever. We headed home to Austin after giving him some Tylenol. Once we got home he seemed fine, able to walk. After a few hours home his ankle was hurting again. 

We took him to the pediatric urgent care for x-rays. X-rays were negative, and he was reacting favorably to the ibuprofen so we went home. Monday morning Fisher’s ankle was swollen, red, hot to the touch, and again couldn’t put any weight on it. I took him to his pediatrician early Monday morning. As soon as we showed Dr. Grier Fisher's ankle, he sent us to the ER at Dell Children’s (we are so lucky to have this hospital in Austin). There we had more x-rays, extensive blood panels, and an MRI.

Long story short, he was diagnosed with Acute Osteomyelitis (bacterial staph -MSSA - infection) in his tibia. He had surgery to drill a small hole in his tibia to drain the infection and clean the bone. This week has been a long one figuring out the strain, then narrowing down which antibiotic is best. He reacted well to the IV meds initially and his inflammatory markers started dropping. Each day he improved, finally getting to the point Friday where he could be released. He is now able to get around in a boot but still has a lengthy 6 weeks of meds ahead of him.

Everyone keeps asking "how did this happen???" Unfortunately, we don't really know the "how?" Somehow bacteria entered Fisher's bloodstream, likely from a cut, scrape, or bug bite. The type of infection is common in kids' growth plate areas because that's where the most blood tends to collect.

This is one tough little dude. Never a compliant, always a smile.

Thank you again to everyone for their kind words, thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes. Our family is incredibly grateful - especially Fish!! We can’t say enough great things about Dell Children's Hospital. The teams (ER, primary care, ortho, and infectious disease) of doctors and nurses working with us were incredible and literally saved our son's life.

Now we just need to keep this wild man occupied for the next few weeks... 

*** I had some technical difficulties with photo captions part way through the post, so you'll have to use some imagination with the photos. ***

First up, more x-rays at Dell Children's.

Thank goodness I brought the iPad. I packed it Monday morning, my gut telling me we'd have a long journey.

One of the worst parts of the week - other than the unknown - was seeing Fisher come out of general anesthesia.

My baby.

First day post op, and we were off to the races with Connect Four.

Ball contraption wall at Dell was a HIT. We spent HOURS here.

Clown visit to Fish's bedside. Bubbles and magic tricks!

And clown noses as parting gifts:)
Lots of cookies and treats - Fisher was one well loved boy. Such an incredible support system we have.

Justin and I tag teamed spending the night at the hospital and spending the night with Eleanor at home. I didn't want to leave Fisher Monday night without him completely coming out of anesthesia. Justin sent this video before bed, and it melted my heart.

Bedside clown visit.

Getting mobile with the boot.

PT is fun at Dell!

Mastering the wheelchair.

More PT, feeling more comfortable in the boot.

A Jedi visited the hospital and gave Fish a light saber.

Homebound after 5 days!

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