March 18, 2013

Social Climber

Our daughter is officially a climber and wants to do little else. I turn my head for a second and find her atop various objects/furniture/stairs. Eleanor stands next to something, and regardless of how high up it is, she lifts her leg and contemplates how she'll hoist her way up. I'm pretty sure she'd scale the walls if allowed her.

Outside the new climbing hobby, we dabbled in SXSW while Justin was in KC for the Big 12 Tournament. I had this romantic notion of mother/daughter outings of music, food, and sun. Eleanor had other notions. I will give her a little slack because her top 2 teeth were breaking through this weekend, causing major irritability.

SX San Jose. 

This lasted for about 5 minutes before little miss started to thrash and pull at her headphones... and not in a jamming to the music kind of way.

So, we started strolling down South Congress and came upon one of her latest obsessions - rocks - at the Hey Cupcake trailer. Then, all was good again.

Eleanor was a happy camper sorting rocks and carrying them from the ground to the picnic table.

So entertained... until she tried eating the rocks. When I insisted that we don't eat rocks, she thew a fit. Arms flailing, screaming and record breaking temper tantrum. Let's just say there were several onlookers as I walked E back to the car.

Day 2, let's do this Eleanor!

I was able to snap this cute pic right before another meltdown. We went to Molotov to hear our friend Lacy on the keyboard.

Happy St. Patty's Day! Shamrock headband courtesy of Aunt Katie.

Mommy's pearls, a Raggedy Anne doll, and a rock - what more could a girl ask for? Treasures that Eleanor insisted on carting around in the laundry basket as I folded laundry.
Sunday at the park

Only about 9 inches off the ground, but she insisted on climbing up to sit on the tree stump.
Justin's $ 6th row seats at the KU/Texas Tech game.

Buddies AKA fratters - Mike Roznowski

Big 12 Champs! Rock Chalk!

Other new happenings this week:

: Eleanor now tries to share her food when she eats. Usually slobbery, snotty, and pre-chewed.
: Loves the concept of opening and closing something - lids, books, laptops, iPad cover.
: We have a narcissist on our hands - Eleanor becomes entranced when watching videos of herself.
: Big fan of peek-a-boo, hide and seek (she's REALLY good at this), and knocking down towers of her new soft alphabet blocs from Bama and Gampa.

Complete defiance. Notice the mischievous snicker when I tell her "no"...

1 comment:

  1. blurg, and i'm insanely jealous of your weather. It almost hit 40 here today and was sunny - you would've thought it was summertime the way people were acting.

    miss you guys!
