April 19, 2017

Eleanor Turns FIVE!

Wow, this birthday was an emotional one for me. FIVE! Like she's little Miss Independent who will go to kindergarten in 6 months and never need me again. Tear, tear. But seriously, it's unbelievable that my first born is five and will be in school full time next year. Eleanor really embraced the birthday scene this year - the party, the presents, the cards in the mail almost daily for a week (she looooves getting mail). She so proud to be five... my big girl.

Fun memories from the past year:

: Eleanor continues to love all things arts and crafts. She can spend hours at her crafting table, whether it's cutting out hearts of every size, painting, making bookmarks to laminate, or designing necklaces. Her go to drawings are hearts, rainbows, flowers, and butterflies.

: Sister is obsessed with climbing EVERYTHING. Trees at the park, the boulders at Zilker Park, or rocks at the rock climbing gym. For a girl who isn't the most coordinated, she can really hold her own when climbing... hence the birthday party at the rock climbing gym.

: E also continues to work on her puzzles. She's up to about 250 pieces right now with very little help. It's pretty impressive and keeps her entertained.

: If we let Eleanor sleep outdoors with her "nature," she'd be a happy camper. Sister loves collecting bugs, rocks, flowers, etc.

: Eleanor is such a beautiful singer, but she's pretty shy and asks us to look away when she sings. She's starting to turn a corner on the shy factor. It's incredible that she can literally memorize lyrics after only listening to a song a few times.

: E started gymnastics this year. While I'm not sure it'll be a long term sport for her, she sure does have fun doing it.

: E is smart beyond my comprehension sometimes. Some questions I was ill prepared for this year: What is divorce? Do people come back after they die? Why is it the Easter Bunny... why not another animal to leave the eggs? Why put a hole in a Mommy's tummy for a baby to be born... the vagina is already a hole?

Overall, Eleanor's demeanor has not changed one bit in the last year. She continues to be a sweet, smart, thoughtful, nurturing little Type A girl. I can't wait to see what's in store for our daughter!

Developmental stats:

Height: 41.25 in (26%)
Weight: 33 lbs (9%)

Pink pancakes for this birthday girl. Or at least an attempt - we ran out of red food dye;(
FIVE! She's a whole hand!

New wheels for this girl

Birthday circle, Year 5

After school birthday gelato. Lemon sorbet was a winner for the birthday girl.

Family Day at school. First up, Eleanor showing me her jewelry work.

Up next, Russian nesting dolls

Drawing her specialty: hearts!

Mommy/Ellie tic-tac-toe match in the outdoor classroom.
Birthday party time at Austin Bouldering Project! This was one happy birthday girl.

Rock climbing birthday cake.

The grand finale of the party was the rope swing. Each guest had their turn - the birthday girl went first.
Bathing Beauty
Our little monkey climbing trees at the park.

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