October 1, 2015

18 months & 3 1/2 years

We really packed in some good times to bid "summer" farewell. While it's technically Fall in Austin, the 90 degree weather makes me think otherwise. We're dying to wear sweaters and maybe not sweat the minute we step out the door at 8:00 am;) This coming from a former Chicagoan who wanted to burn her sweaters!

We had our make good trip to Grand Lake (Oklahoma) to visit Grammy and Papa Jack. Our original weekend was the weekend that a skull fracture landed Eleanor in the ER overnight. It's safe to say that it was WELL worth the wait! Grammy pulled out all the stops, of course, with lots of presents, sweet treats, activities, and a gorgeous lake view to wake up to each morning. The kids were in absolute heaven. From the pool, boat, riding lawnmower, golfcart, playground, piano, vintage toy trucks, the kids had the time of their lives. And thanks to Grammy and Papa Jack, Justin and I were able to venture out to the Yacht Club for a wonderful date night sans kids. All in all, the weekend was a huge success, and we can't wait to return.

Next up, Bama and Papa visit! More grandparental spoiling ensued, so kids were happy campers. It was great to have them here to help Justin while I ventured off to KC to host a baby shower for my dear friend, Erin, who is due in December. It was so nice being away solo - amazing the ground I can cover in just 48 hours! Grammy and Papa Jack hosted me, which was perfect so that I could check out their new (amazing) digs. And visiting on Grammy's 83rd birthday made it even more special.

And just to keep our streak of frequent flier miles current at Dell Children's Emergency Room, we decided to pay them a visit last weekend. Fisher, in his wild antics, decided to attempt to lift a 12 lb weight (mind you, he weighs 25 lbs) and dropped it on his big toe. His toenail was immediately ripped out from the root, and his toe swelled up. However, the nail was still hanging by a chunk of skin. Long story short, lots and lots of blood and tears. Poor buddy was shaking like a leaf he was in so much pain. So, after a quick visit to the pediatrician, they sent us to the ER. They partially sedated Fisher, numbed his toe with a giant needle, completely removed his toenail, trimmed the nail, and then stitched it back on. While he'll lose the nail, it proves the best protection for such an intense wound while the new nail grows in. After he was bandaged and booted up, we were on our way. All in all, he was a brave boy, and his wound isn't slowing him down. At. All.

Eleanor Tidbits:

: Eleanor continues to love her new school, and it's fun to see her start forming friendships that she may have for many years. We look forward to upcoming school activities where us newbies can meet some of the other Athena families.

: Sister's current infatuations are: movies of all kinds (thank you Netflix and Apple TV!), swimming, tattoos, tracing letters and numbers, puzzles, and singing.

: Our daughter's mind is constantly working. We've learned that she literally doesn't miss a beat, even when we think she's tuned out. For example, I was driving her to school a few weeks ago when a commercial for a local dentist came on the radio. A few days later she asks, "Is Dr. [from the commercial] my dentist?"

: Another Eleanor original: As she's sitting on the potty before bedtime, she looks behind her and say, "Mom, do butts grow??" I reply, "Yes, Ellie, butts grow." Eleanor's retort, "Well, mine's not growing very well."

: Most of the time Eleanor is like a second mother to Fisher, regardless of the fact that they're less than 2 years apart. When Fisher was going to bed a couple of weeks ago, my old soul daughter cups Fisher's chubby face in her hands, leans in and kisses him on the forehead, and says, "Have a good night's sleep, Sweetie!" I mean, who teacher her this stuff?

: The day after Fisher's ER stint, Eleanor and I caught a nasty stomach bug. After we cleaned sister up from puke session, we went to her closet to pick out something to wear. She has this really cute cotton jumper that she'd never worn before (think light weight tank top attached to sweat pants). I said, "Eleanor, this jumper will be really cozy for you to rest and watch movies while you're sick." She put the jumper on and after immediately jumping in the air, exclaims, "Yep, I can really jump high in this jumper!"

: While I don't have Eleanor's developmental stats, she seems to be growing a lot taller and has finally grown out of her 18-24 month shorts, now that she's 3.5 yrs;)

Fisher Tidbits:


Height: 32" (24%)
Weight: 24 lb 8 oz (49%)
Head: 48.5 cm (77%)

: I don't have the words or the time to explain how busy/wild/active/fearless our son is. The fact that we made it 18+ months before he landed in the ER due to self inflicted injury is a downright miracle.

: Some of brother's current infatuations: sweeping with the broom, buttons of any kind, using the stepstool to get whatever he needs that's out of reach, boats, trucks, trains, airplanes, construction sites (lots in Austin!), turtles, being silly/making people laugh, dancing, and Daddy.

: He's also becoming more verbal:

Da = That
Mo = More
Duh = Done
Bo = Boat
Sna = Snack
Truh = Truck
Choo choo = Train
Nigh Nigh = Good night
Chee = Cheese
Jew = Juice
Boo boo = Boo boo (learned this the week of his big boo boo)
Bee = Binky
Bay = Bear
Tur-tle = Turtle

: Fisher is mildly obsessed with Eleanor and wants to copy whatever she does. We've found that we have to have two of everything to keep all parties happy. When we drop Eleanor at school, Fisher throws a fit because he can't stay to play. Upon picking her up in the afternoon, they make out with each other as if they are long lost friends/siblings.

Buddy on a bike ride with Daddy. Pit stop at Thom's for a popcicle. Fisher and Justin are quite the duo these days. I didn't think there would be a day where I would take backseat!

Zero personality.

These first three photos pretty much sum up all sides of Fisher Thomas..

And then there's Sweet Eleanor

Fisher insists on carrying his lunchbox into school when we drop off sister.

Tram at the Dallas airpot en route to Grand Lake. Planes AND trains?? Fisher's in!

Daddy, the sherpa.

We made it! My boys on the lake.

Not sure who was having more fun???

Some morning tunes


Lake life is exhausting.

Grammy showing Fisher makeup application techniques. 

More engines?!? Yes, please!

A little game with Grammy and Eleanor. In Grammy's defense, she realized she missed an "e" in bushes, but I snapped the pic before it was corrected;)

Gorgeous view from the house

The perfect breakfast spot.

Captains Jack and Fisher

And Eleanor!

Why not feed the ducks and fish your snacks of Goldfish?

Frosted cookies, thanks to Grammy!

That's Fish's "cheese" face

Just a little convo during dinner.

Rainy day in Austin meant we donned rainboots for the first time this season. Fisher's new bit is to stand or walk with his hands behind his back like this.

More grandparent time!

2 grandmas under 1 roof, lucky Ellie!

Fish showing Bama and Papa how he waves to Thomas The Train

Morning trail walk

Kiki stopped by for a visit 

Baby shower in KC for Erin

Fisher livin' it up with his best bud, Grant.

My little helper.


She likes to fit into small spaces, just like her Daddy.

This guy loves technology, iPad, phone, laptop, he's in!

ER waiting room

Admitted, waiting for the doctor

All bandage up - "boo boo" he says.

A pony ride at a festival is the best medicine!

Dancing machine

And then, less than 24 hours later, we ended up in the hospital...

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