September 19, 2011

2 + 1 = 3

Baby T : 12.5 weeks
Auntie Erin sent an adorable onsie for our future Jayhawk

We are out of our minds excited about Baby T joining us on (or around) March 28! We found out we were pregnant on July 20 (Uncle Nick's birthday), and it's been a whirlwind ever since. With the exception of constant nausea, all has been good.

We went to the doctor this week for our 12 week ultrasound, and the baby is happy, healthy, and extremely active already.

So, mark your calendars for 3/28/12! Baby T will join our lives in true March Madness style, I'm sure.

Because many of our friends and family live so far away, we thought we'd share our journey through this blog.

We thank all of our friends and family for the continued support!